Yep. It's Esteban.

Yep.   It's Esteban.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm back, again!

Ok ok, so this blogging thing occurs to me about once or twice a year- but I'm trying! Life is a lot like it was the last time I wrote, um... in March? Hahaha, same ole same ole, which is good. Micheal is gone to Brown County Fair this week. Keeping our roadways (ok, Hwy 281, if you're going that way) safe. He's been gone since Monday and we're going to go see him tomorrow, which would be Friday. We miss him like nuts when he's gone. It's hard work being a single parent. I know, I know, I do it for a week here, two weeks there. But still. It's hard! I can't imagine doing it for, like, ever- you know, full time? That'd be hard. Way hard.

What else? Work. I'm anticipating the delivery of 3 new pairs of uniform pants! OH THE JOYS! Never in my wildest dreams would I have EVER thought new uniform pants would bring me such happiness. I know, I need to get out more. Something about the uniform pants I'm currently wearing... they suck! My back can't take it anymore. I think if I lost about 7 lbs I would be just fine wearing those flippin' pants. But I can't shake the weight so I need new pants. Pronto. So much for hoping these braces (yes, I got braces at the age of 30) would help in the weight loss department. Dang it. Turns out I like to eat too much.

I suppose, I should go to bed. It's 9:58 and the little kid has been in bed for roughly 58 minutes. Fifty-eight minutes of pure bliss! He's been a totally terror the last few days. Thank GOD his dad will be home on Sunday. Thank you God. I do believe I'm going to go kick back and watch an episode of The Cleaner. Gotta get my Esteban fix for the day ;)


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