Yep. It's Esteban.

Yep.   It's Esteban.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I've been deep in thought about this lately. To start with, I got braces put on later in life than most (judging by all of the 14 year olds sitting with me in the waiting room- I wonder if they know I'm a whole life older than them...) Had I known what a pain (in the teeth) they'd be... maybe I wouldn't have gotten them at all. Hard to say really.

So anyway, these braces. How do they work? I know what they do but how do they really work? I mean, what determines which tooth is going to turn in or out or get bucky or whatever? How does the dentist know how the guage of the wire will effect my particular problem? I just don't get it. I'm sure there's a huge science to it. I'm guessing that's what all the schooling was for. (I hear it's quite extensive... and expensive) It must be quite predictable to him (the dentist), but to me, it means NOTHING. I can't quite explain why this is so perplexing to me. I'm not a really great blogger but I'm trying. :(

SO I wonder what's in store for me at Fuchs' Orthodontics? I wonder that every time I set up an appointment for "5 weeks"- that's how long you go from appointment to appointment. I wonder if drawing it out 5 weeks in between appointments is how they make their money or if it really take 5 weeks for the wire to do what it's supposed to do before you get a new one. I honestly think 5 weeks is a bit of a stretch. I can tell you that after my appointment, my teeth will have moved within the next 7 days. Probably not completely, but 5 weeks? Come on. I think that's just a reason to slap a $6000 price tag on this metal.

The price we pay for beauty.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm back, again!

Ok ok, so this blogging thing occurs to me about once or twice a year- but I'm trying! Life is a lot like it was the last time I wrote, um... in March? Hahaha, same ole same ole, which is good. Micheal is gone to Brown County Fair this week. Keeping our roadways (ok, Hwy 281, if you're going that way) safe. He's been gone since Monday and we're going to go see him tomorrow, which would be Friday. We miss him like nuts when he's gone. It's hard work being a single parent. I know, I know, I do it for a week here, two weeks there. But still. It's hard! I can't imagine doing it for, like, ever- you know, full time? That'd be hard. Way hard.

What else? Work. I'm anticipating the delivery of 3 new pairs of uniform pants! OH THE JOYS! Never in my wildest dreams would I have EVER thought new uniform pants would bring me such happiness. I know, I need to get out more. Something about the uniform pants I'm currently wearing... they suck! My back can't take it anymore. I think if I lost about 7 lbs I would be just fine wearing those flippin' pants. But I can't shake the weight so I need new pants. Pronto. So much for hoping these braces (yes, I got braces at the age of 30) would help in the weight loss department. Dang it. Turns out I like to eat too much.

I suppose, I should go to bed. It's 9:58 and the little kid has been in bed for roughly 58 minutes. Fifty-eight minutes of pure bliss! He's been a totally terror the last few days. Thank GOD his dad will be home on Sunday. Thank you God. I do believe I'm going to go kick back and watch an episode of The Cleaner. Gotta get my Esteban fix for the day ;)


Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm back!

Well, actually, I never left. Still not 100% sure what a girl is supposed to write about in a blog?! Ok. So we've had some excitement in Huron in the last few weeks. Job secuirty. That's all I can say about that. Things have been going excellent otherwise. Family is all healthy and happy (usually). I'm flying solo at work this week as my partner is gone to Alaska. No FAIR. I want a vacation! I guess if I'm going to take time to go on vacation, it better be to some place WARM. I hope she enjoys her trip anyway.

We're getting two entry ways tiled at our house this weekend. I'm soooo excited for that. I love making things new again! Well, I won'tbe doing any of the actual work but I will be supervising then entire project. I will take before and after pictures. Maybe I'll even post them for whoever (if anyone) is reading this!

Ok, Better get back to work. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's my first blog...

I'm not too sure on this whole blogging thing. I have read a few other peoples blogs but never created one like this before for myself. I'm not even really sure what I should be posting on here. Um... Life is good at the Peterson home. Danielle just turned 7 on the 2nd of November. We didn't get to spend her birthday with her (never do :( but it sounds like she had a good one. Greyson is 2 years old- turned the big 2 on September 25th. He's 110% boy and a little booger all the time. We can be thankful both kids are healthy.

A high school classmate of mine recently found out her son has neuroblastoma. The little guys is currently going through chemotherapy and trying to get better. Another high school classmate recently lost her 2 month old son. I went to the funeral to be support for her. It was a nice service, very emotional. I've been getting back in touch with some of those old classmates and I'm not sure about it yet. I have a different feeling about it that I can't explain. High school wasn't that great for me and I do have to say I had probably two or three good friends. Other than that, it was sort of a blur. Anyway- back to those guys- The little boy with cancer- breaks my heart. The things he's been through and will go through. It's not fair for any child to have to do that. Through his caringbridge website I have been keeping track of a few other families too. One little girl just passed away this morning after a year and a half of suffering and trying to live. Reading that makes a person put things into prospective. In some ways it makes me feel guilty for having my own kids, healthy and alive and taking that for granted some times. No matter HOW bad I've got it I will always try to remember that somewhere someone has it worse than I do. Be thankful you have your children to hold and live and punish if need be. Some people don't.